“Fun with Genealogy!” with Sindi Terrien
Hook a kid on genealogy and you’ll give them the gift of their ancestors
Genealogist, researcher, and author, Sindi Terrien was our Project Recipe speaker in January 2024 talking about creating your own Genealogy Activity Book. She returns during RootsTech to share ideas on inspiring the family to that love of ancestral stories. It’s not just kids who can have fun! Learn more about Sindi at FunwithGenealogy.com.
Recording & resources free to Projectkin members At the conclusion of our program, Projectkin members will get a link to any shared links and resources, and the recording.
This program will be held online via Google Meet.
Google Meet runs in your browser, so there’s nothing to download. Recordings are generally available 2-4 hours after each event and include a searchable transcript. Emails with a link to the recording are sent directly Projectkin members. You can subscribe now to explore the community and watch recordings of past programs. A Members’ Chat Room in the Projectkin Forum is always available for extended conversations among members and includes our speaker.
For details see www.eventbrite.com/e/sindi-terrien-project-party-fun-with-genealogy-tickets-827783000237?aff=odcleoeventsincollection