Internet Archive: A Gold Mine for Genealogists
We welcome our speaker Thomas MacEntee. He is a professional genealogist who specializes in the use of technology and social media to improve genealogical research and to interact with others. He will be presenting on the Internet Archive ( This is a free, online library which includes genealogy source documents such as census images, e-books and more. We will learn how to navigate this website. And how to use best search strategies to find and download a variety of materials — archival web-pages, e-books, videos, audio and more.
This meeting is virtual only and free to all. But all who wish to attend (members and visitors) must register to receive the receive the e-mail with the link to join the meeting over Zoom. Register at the Brevard Genealogical Society website: Scroll to “Register,” complete the requested information and submit. A few days before the meeting you will receive the link to join this Zoom meeting on March 11th.
For details see
- Registration: